Swim Team by: Hannah Muncey

Splish! Splash! The exciting sport of Swim Team is occurring right in front of us! But, how can we enjoy the sport if we don’t even know what the swimmers are doing, and what the basic rules are? Get on you bathing suit because we are about to plunge in to Swim Team procedures! There are four classified strokes, 1) Freestyle – A simple stroke where you are on your stomach and put one arm out in front of you at a time and bring it back with your hand in a “scooping” position. You just kick your legs one at a time. When you get to the wall, you must touch it with only one hand. 2) Breaststroke – This stroke has more complicated arm and leg movements. Your hands go together on your chest (like you were clapping) and then push out, come apart, flip so that the backs are facing out, and scoop in a mini rotation back to the position on your chest. Your legs are bent as if you were sitting in a chair. They then go outward (they get straight) and spread far away from each other. After this motion, your legs clap back together, and you restart the rotation. When you get to the wall, you must touch with two hands. 3) Backstroke – This stroke – my favorite stroke – is very simple like freestyle. It is basically freestyle on your back. Just in case you are still confused, I will explain how to do backstroke. So first, you are on your back. Your arms reach up and beside your head in a circle-like rotation. It comes back to your side through the water. Then, your second arm does the same thing. You repeat these motions. You’re legs just kick up and down one at a time. You must touch the wall with one hand. 4) Butterfly – A tiring stroke that has kind of complicated strokes. Your arms are always in sync. Your arms come down by your sides, go back, come up, loop back in front of you, and come back down to your sides. Your legs come together, and basically kick up and down, but remain stuck to each other. Now that you know what strokes swimmers are swimming, you can really enjoy yourself at the next Swim Team meet you go to. Who knows, you might even join in on the fun!    
Swim Team

Saint Faustina Kowalska

Helena Kowalska was born in west-central Poland which was part of Germany before World War II. She worked as a housekeeper. Then she joined the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in 1925 when she was 20 years old. She received many messages from Jesus. During her lifetime some Catholics thought of Jesus as a strict judge. Jesus appeared to her with two rays coming from His heart. She said that they represented the blood and water poured out of His heart when he died on the cross. Jesus told her “I do not want to punish mankind but I desire to heal it, pressing it to my merciful heart.” Jesus told her to paint an image of Him showing His mercy. Since she did not know how to paint, she got Eugene Kazimierowski, an artist, to do it for her. She died of tuberculosis on October 5th 1938. She was beatified in 1993 and canonized in 2000. Saint Faustina is a model of faith and her life was used to bring people closer to Jesus. She taught the world, ”Jesus, I trust in You.”

Saint Faustina, pray for us!


How to Make a Kazoo

By Cecilia Pollock

Supplies needed: 

~Empty toilet paper roll

~4 by 4 in. piece of  tissue paper

~A rubber band

~A sharp pencil


Take your toilet paper roll and your sharp pencil and with your pencil poke a hole halfway down the toilet paper roll. 

Take your rubber band and your tissue paper and cover one end of your toilet paper roll with the tissue paper and secure it with your rubber band.  Don’t cover up the hole you punched with your tissue paper.

And there’s your kazoo! “OOOOOOH” or “DOO-TA-DOO” into it with a high pitched voice!

Crossword Puzzle by Hannah M.

    4.                 5.  

Across                                                                                   Down

2. Another word for a trip that you might go on                                  1. A treat to cool you down

4. Games you might play on a rainy day                                                  3. Scooters, Skateboards, and _____

6. A place you might go to, to do fun activities                                     5. The season August is in is called…

7. A fun thing to do at pools and the beach

8.  Something you might need to melt marshmallows for smores

The Feast of Corpus Christi

by: Tessa R.

This year Corpus Christi falls on June 23. Corpus Christi is the feast when we remember the precious gift of the Eucharist. In Latin, Corpus Christi means “Body of Christ.” During the thirteenth century a nun from Belgium named Sister Juliana loved the Eucharist very much. Our Lord told her in several visions to make a feast of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. Sister Juliana tried to spread the news and influenced many people. She died in 1258. In 1263 a German priest named Father Peter had been having doubts about the Eucharist. During the Mass the host started bleeding. Through the influence of Father Peter’s miracle and Sister Juliana’s visions, Pope Urban IV instituted the feast of Corpus Christi.

Some ways to celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi is a Eucharistic procession! Many beautiful hymns were also written for Corpus Christi, for example Panis Angelicus and Ave Verum Corpus.

Chess Boxing

By: Audrey D.

Chess boxing is a chess game followed by a boxing round that is followed by another chess game. This process is repeated many times. The goal of the game is to win more chess games and more boxing rounds than your opponent. This game is mostly played in England and Germany. If you like chess and boxing this is the sport for you.                                                                     

Funny Summer Jokes

By: Catherine D.

Knock Knock.

Who’s there?


Summer Who?

Summer these jokes are funny and some are not!

Q. When do you go at red and stop at green?

A. When you’re eating a watermelon.

Q. Why are gulls named seagulls?

A. If they were by the bay, they’d be bagels.

Q. What is the best day to go to the beach?

A. SUNday.

Image result for sun